CSC celebrates 30 years

Nominate a Face of Change

To celebrate the Consortium for Street Children's 30th Anniversary, we want to recognise individuals who have helped to improve the lives of street-connected children!

From our training and policy publications from 1993 to present, to General Comment 21 on Children in Street Situations in 2017, to last year’s merger with StreetInvest which brought a new dimension to the organisation’s work, CSC has a long history of fighting for street-connected children’s rights. We want to take a moment to reflect on what has already been achieved, before looking to the future and our new 5-year strategy beginning in 2024. 

To do this, we are looking for nominations for individuals who have brought about change for street-connected children! Do you know someone who has created change for street-connected children? This could be at any level; in a community, nationally, regionally, or globally. Individuals can also come from a variety of backgrounds, including child champions who have shown leadership in their community, frontline practitioners, advocates, or more!

Nominate a Face of Change

  • For instance, was it through the work they did directly supporting children? Is it through their leadership in the sector – perhaps though advocating on a specific issue, or helping secure services for children? Or something else? Please expand with as much detail as you think is needed!
  • Of course, we do know of some significant change agents in the sector, who sadly are no longer with us – please still feel able to nominate them.


We will be bringing together nominations on 28 July and anticipate reaching out to them over the first two weeks of August

We hope to inspire others by sharing these stories of how individuals can bring about change for others. Thank you for your support!