
5 ways our forum drives social action for street-connected children

Published 11/01/2021 By Jess Clark

Our Network Forum 2021 is the second time that our members’ event will be held virtually. Due to the positive engagement we had last year, this year’s forum will explore current topics professionals are interested in addressing as they continue their tireless work at the frontline caring for street-connected children.

Here are five reasons why our Network Forum advances the agenda on specialised solutions for street-connected children.

  1. Acknowledges the SDG Goals

To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we must not leave anyone behind, particularly marginalised social groups like street-connected children. We will hear from current initiatives making significant progress in targeted fields of the sustainable development agenda during the forum. The women and girls working group will share advancements in their research and the actions required to overcome gender inequality. We will hear from researchers from the CLARISSA project on what is needed to end the worst forms of child labour, and we will delve deeper into the protection of children’s human rights within the alternative care system.

  1. An in-depth look at street children’s rights

Street children’s rights have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic. At the forum, speakers will provide an in-depth look at the most recent changes made at the domestic level to safeguard them and the ongoing mechanism that is intended to protect them as rights-holders.

Forum participants will have privileged access to information about developments that are not yet widely available to the public. Moreover, all the speakers are examples of adaptability in the face of adversity. Even with the detrimental impact of the pandemic on the charity sector, they remain committed to their work and know how to use new forms of leadership to make a positive impact.

  1. Find new partners

Instead of looking individually for potential allies who share your mission, join in one of our virtual networking sessions. In one place, you will have the opportunity to interact with professionals who work together with you to raise the visibility of the condition of street children. It is highly likely that you will connect with more than just one participant and exchange some of your views on the sector’s complexities.

  1. Empower grassroots organisations

The forum gives organisations the opportunity to present good practice within their work. With the Covid-19 crisis, it is even more relevant to cheer grassroots organisations and show them they are not alone and that their work transforms lives. During the 4 days, there will be plenty of room for recognition, inspiring organisations and encouraging them apply what they have acquired. The wear and tear of fighting for changes in national strategies will be temporarily exchanged for the gratification of sharing knowledge among others who have gone through similar scenarios.

5. Multiple voices from multiple backgrounds.

Being the global network for street children guarantees that we can count on more than 190 members from all parts of the world. With participants networking from all latitudes, the dialogue analysing the realities of street children will be anything but from a single perspective. Enriching ourselves from the experiences and challenges of other leaders in the international context has never been easier: clicking to join the event is all it takes to explore alternative solutions for our field of work.

For more information about the speakers and to register for free, click here. 

We are excited to have you join us!