Let’s Win This Game Together: Documenting violations of children’s rights around the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil

South America
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Dr Lorraine van Blerk, Dr Andrea Rodriguez Lannes Fernandes, Dr Fernando Fernandes, Nick Fyfe, Peter McEleavy, Dr Jon Mendel, Irene Rizzini
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Children’s rights have been on the international agenda for over 25 years, yet there are still gaps in ensuring these rights are sufficiently protected. This is particularly relevant during Mega Sporting Events (MSEs) that may increase the exposure of children to violations of their rights as well as the worsening of their socio-economic situations. Researching children’s lives in the context of MSEs, such as the FIFA World Cup, are key to understanding these impacts. Brackenridge et al (2013) highlight that while risks of child exploitation may increase during MSEs, there is no data to determine whether these risks translate to harm. The pilot research summarised here aims to gain a better understanding of rights violations against children in the context of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. It seeks to provide evidence to advocate that MSE organizers have a role in preventing or mitigating such violations.


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