The United Nations Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty

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Manfred Nowak
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Child labour, exploitation and modern slavery Human rights and justice Poverty Research

The General Assembly, following a recommendation by the Committee on the Rights of the Child in accordance with article 45 (c) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, invited the Secretary-General to commission an in-depth Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty.

It is hoped that this Study will mark a turning point in ending the invisibility and overcoming the vulnerability, stigmatisation and social exclusion of children deprived of liberty. The research confirms that these children are often neglected by policies and data in countries  around the world. Some of the key findings and recommendations of the Study relate to the unavailability of comprehensive data, which is vital to understand the scope of the deprivation of liberty of children globally, as well as to access the progress made as a result of policy changes.

The Study provides an overview of the situation of children deprived of liberty worldwide. It includes valuable examples from States of policy options related to restorative justice, diversion, alternatives to migration detention and de-institutionalisation of children.


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